PT Ganesha Environmental & Energy Services (Ganesha EES) is a company under Badan Pengelola Usaha dan Dana Lestari (BPUDL), Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB). PT Ganesha EES was established to address and response the challenge for creating cleaner environment and energy, which is based on knowledge and technology development in the environmental & energy subjects.

With qualified and experience resources in the field of environment and energy from Institute of Technology Bandung, Ganesha EES will be able to provide qualified and professional services to clients and customers.

We have experts in the field of environment and energy from Institut of Technology Bandung that are Prof.Ir. Puji Lestari Ph.D.,  Dr. Retno Gumilang Dewi, Dr. Ucok WR Siagian, etc. With qualified and experienced resources, PT Ganesha EES will be able to provide the best and professional services to clients and customers.

PT. Ganesha Environmental & Energy Services
Email: ; ganesha-ees@yahoocom
Created by rdh